The Matters page in Apperio provides you with a holistic view of your spend, from the amount of work done down to the details of individual time entries. Here’s a quick guide to your matter.
How to Search for your Matters
Select the Matters icon from the Apperio side menu on the left.
Here you’ll be presented with a list of all your matters. You can search for your matters by matter name, matter reference or ID number using the search bar. Click on a matter name to view the detailed spend breakdown.
The expanded view allows you to see all the properties associated with your matters directly from the matters list. To do this select the expanded view on the top of the list.
To expand the details for an individual matter click the dropdown arrow.
Filtering for your Matter
Quickly slice your data to view your spend using the filtering functionality. To filter the matter list select the filter icon on the top right hand side of the page.
To filter for starred matters toggle the ‘starred matters only’ button to green. To discover more about the starred matter feature click here
You can filter for matters by a specific folder, law firm, practice group, matter type, fee structure or team.
Filter by matter owner using the drop down list. Using this you can find the matters assigned to you or assigned to others. Use ‘Unassigned’ to find matters that don’t have that property, in this case that have no matter owner. Filter by matter status or pass-through matters using the options at the bottom of the filters.
To remove all filters select the ‘CLEAR FILTERS’ button.
For more information on how to use filters in Apperio take a look at this guide.
Spend Against Budgets
You can track the progress of spend on a matter against budgets set by your law firms on the matter list. Use the tracker bar as a threshold indicator to show if a matter is below budget (0% - 75%) approaching (75% - 100%) or if a matter has exceeded the budget (100%+). The tracker bar will appear as green, amber and red respectively for these thresholds.
Filter the matter list to view all matters with a budget or at a specific threshold.