To easily organise, track and manage your spend you can organise your matters into folders. The best way to organise folders is in a way that matches how you want to track your legal spend and set budgets. You can have multiple levels of folders but we recommend no more than three.
Some examples of how our customers use folders are: by legal entity, by country or region, by fund or investment, by department and between business as usual and project work. If you would like to set up folders for your matters you can get in touch with your customer success manager. From there, you will be able to discuss what folder structure would best suit your business needs and goals.
Assigning Matters into Folders
When a new matter is created by your law firm it will appear in the New Matters list on the dashboard. From here, you can sort new matters into the correct folder using the folder filter. Once assigned into a folder, all spend on that matter will then be accrued in that folder. New matters only need to be sorted once from the new matters list.
Use the folder tab to sort a matter into a desired folder.
Select a folder using the Folder drop down list
Click on the green check box
You can also sort matters into folders directly from the matters page in Apperio.
Navigate to the Matters page from the Apperio menu on the left
Identify the matter you would like to sort into a folder from the matter list and select Edit on the far right
Under Quick Matter Edit select a folder from the drop down list to sort your matter
Using Folders to View Your Spend
You can view and monitor the spend across all your folders from the Apperio dashboard.
On the dashboard select a folder from the filter drawer. This updates all figures and charts on the page to reflect the spend in the folder. You can only view one folder at any one time on the dashboard.
Similarly to the dashboard, you can filter by folder to view your spend on the law firm page.
Navigate to the law firm page from the Apperio menu on the left. Use the filter drawer to select a folder to view the spend across your law firms.
Tracking Folders and Budgets
With folders and budgets set up in Apperio, both can be monitored and tracked simultaneously on the dashboard.
You can select a global budget from the filter drawer on the dashboard and the corresponding folder for the budget is automatically selected. Selecting a budget will set the date filter to that of the budget.
For a deeper insight into budgets in Apperio click here
For more information on how to set up folders for your business, contact your Customer Success Manager or email